Installation steps

Installation steps

Q. What are the pre-installation steps that partners-sales must do before the installation begins?

1. The machine meets the minimum hardware & network requirements.
2. The machine is connected to the network.
3. Client has assigned IP’s /Subnet mask /Gateway /Dns for IPMI’s.
4. Support Team must have access to IPMI interfaces during installation.
5. Client has assigned IP’s /Subnet mask /Gateway /Dns for Switches.
6. Support Team must have access to switch interfaces.
7. Client has assigned a channel id and encryption key.
8. Client has assigned IP /Subnet mask /Gateway /Dns for the Controller.
9. Client has allowed access from internet to UI Interface & Support port.
10. Client has allowed internet access to networks / Vm’s (if needed).
11. Client must have standby IT or Sunlight sales must be present to execute specific actions (Plug – unplug USB).
12. Image downloaded and burned to USB.

Q. What are the installation and configuration steps?

All the installation and configuration steps are described with details on Installation Process.

Q. What are the installation steps that support team must do during the installation process?

1. Access to IPMI interfaces. 
2. Check IPMI configuration. 
3. Access to Switches. 
4. Check Switch configuration (MTU-VLAN configuration). 
5. Both nodes are powered off. 
6. Plug in USB to master node. 
7. Power on & Start Installation to master node.  
8. Remove USB when needed and continue installation. 
9. Installation completed to master node.  
10. Plug in USB to slave node. 
11. Power on & Start Installation to slave node.  
12. Remove USB when needed and finish installation. 
13. Installation completed to slave node.